Saturday, July 7, 2012

Another Kent Walkabout

We visted another seaside town in Kent. Very picturesque! I get very absent-minded nowadays, but I did remember to take three photographs...

1. A Notice carved in a passage by the Town Hall...

2. A Cottage just outside the church on the hill...

3. A Metal Thingy in the pavement by my left foot...

4. But here is a better-known feature of the town...

5. And here is another...!



Canary Islander said...

As always, click to enlarge photos! I wonder if you know which town...?

Dolores Doolittle said...

Where could it be? It's beauteous, no doubt due in large part to the ban on Dirting of its Fame. Or could the Fame be its Reputation, not to be Besmirched?

The 'metal thingy' is very decorative (as is your left foot), and proclaims itself a 'warrior'...

I surrender!

JW10 said...

Great photos, CI.

Are you sure that last one is a pavement? It looks more like a wall. How'd you get that foot so high up?

No idea of the town? I'll have a guess at Chatham.

Expat said...

Gorgeous cottage. No idea as to where this is.

Canary Islander said...

OK, I've added two more photos (4 and 5) to the blog.

The clue for photo 4 is RMC.
The clue for photo 5 is RHD.


JW10 said...


Canary Islander said...

Nope, but you are getting warmer JW!

Expat said...

Hythe.. # 4 is the Royal Military Canal

JW10 said...

My trail has got colder, CI. I don't know anywhere else in Kent. I refuse to Google.

Canary Islander said...

Brilliant Expat! Yes, this blog is about Hythe - and you got it!!!

You are correct to say RMC is the Royal Military Canal (and the RHD clue is the Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch light railway). Well done too, JW, for suggesting Dymchurch! But the special prize goes to Dolores, for saying nice things about my left foot... :-)

We really do like this little town, which we discovered a few years ago. We drove down to it via Ashford, along the Hythe Road, through some great villages and countryside, and then along a winding wooded minor road through to the town itself.

A beach, beautiful canal, a famous light railway, an old-time high street with great little shops, historic buildings, and an interesting variety of ductiles underfoot... what more can one want?


Expat said...

Ha! I am the Queen of Google!!

Dolores Doolittle said...

Brilliant Expat! And thank you, sweet Canary, for making me feel not quite so Dim!

Hythe is indeed a place of much gorgeousness. Must investigate 'Ductiles'...

Canary Islander said...

Well, I'm flummoxed, Expat - I've googled just about every clue and I just can't see how you figured out that it was Hythe!!!

Dolores, I hope you noticed that I kept my word and revealed more of my left shoe...

JW, I think my next blog will be about Surrey. Everybody loves a Surrey with fringe on top.


Expat said...

Simple, CI. You told us it was Kent. You mentioned RMC and one of the images was obviously a canal. So I googled RMC Canal Kent. From that, I learned that RMC was the
Royal Military Canal and started at Hythe. I googled Hythe images and the identical picture popped up. Took all of 5 minutes.

Told you I was the Queen of Google. I once tracked down more than 20 patents filed by the founder of the company I consult to, dating back to 1888 and all I had to start with was a name. I just LOVE this stuff.

JW10 said...

Great blog, CI.

Well done Expat and uh, hi Dolores. :-)

I love looking at little English towns and villages. They are all unique. The girls won't like this but was there any cricket grounds in Hythe? I like photos of cricket grounds. You know what to do with your camera next time you're out and about. ;-)